Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

The Next Viral Video?

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 02:29 PM PDT

Just like Burger Kind had it's subservient chicken, Tipp-Ex has developed an interactive YouTube video allowing the user to select the bears fate. This video asks you if you want to shoot to bear or not, and then using the Tipp-EX, erases the video headline allowing you to input your own text of what should happen. Go through and have some fun. See what the hunter will do for you!

Who Leads Marketing Innovation?

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 02:28 PM PDT

As a new player at Ten Golden Rules, part of my role will be to help our clients develop sound interactive marketing plans that will have a positive impact on their bottom line sales goals. This philosophy is ingrained into the very fiber of the Ten Golden Rules team. We strategize, test, execute and measure our programs every single day. But how does this methodology apply to our B2B clientele? Traditionally, you might think that B2B marketing innovation has always lagged behind its B2C counterparts. Not so anymore.

Beyond the catchy music and clever design, what I love about this video are the statistics.

81% of B2B companies maintain a company account or profile on social media vs. 67% of B2C companies

75% of B2B companies micro-blog vs. 49% of B2C companies

As the video suggests, no longer are the B2B marketers lagging behind their B2C cohorts. In some cases, they're even leading the charge. We've seen the onset of the new digital C-Suite who not only enjoy using technology, they embrace it. And with 93% of B2B buyers starting the purchase cycle via search, doesn't it make sense for your company to be searchable no matter what your business?

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Update Your Google Analytics Code and Enjoy Some Added Benefits

Posted: 02 Sep 2010 07:58 AM PDT

Last December, Google updated their Analytics code to the new and improved "asynchronous tracking code" with some added benefits, including faster tracking code load times, improved accuracy, and the elimination of tracking errors caused when JavaScript doesn't fully load. It also simplifies the ability to track multiple subdomains within a single profile. This is reason enough to update you code.

As of a few weeks ago, there is added incentive to updating your code. You can now use the new asynchronous code to save time with other Google products, such as Google Webmaster Tools. In the past, you would have to generate code to track web analytics and insert it on your webpages. In order to verify site ownership in your Google Webmaster Tools account, you would have to add an additional line of code to your website. Seems like a wasted effort. Not anymore, though. You can now save yourself a step and use your Google Analytics tracking code to verify your Webmaster Tools account.

If you haven't already updated to the new asynchronous tracking code, here's how:
  1. Remove all existing code from your website first. If any of the old code remains, it will likely skew your data.
  2. Copy the new code from your Profile Settings screen in Google Analytics by clicking on the "Edit" button in the Analytics settings, then clicking the "Check Status" link.
  3. Paste the new code in the section of each page of your website you want to track. Specifically, the code should be the last thing before the tag. Note that the old Analytics code resided in the section. Not anymore.

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