Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Yes, Yet Another Button: LinkedIn Job Application

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 06:28 PM PDT

I don't know about you – but to me, there seems to be a lot of buttons launching lately. From the Google +1, Klout's +K button, and the Facebook Send button, LinkedIn plans to premiere the LinkedIn Job Application button this month.

This LinkedIn button called, "Apply with LinkedIn," will allow job candidates to submit their LinkedIn profiles as resumes on employers' websites. This plugin will use a job applicant's information to sort candidates for an employer automatically. Companies will also have the option to use additional templated questions, ask customized questions, or the ability to request a cover letter.

LinkedIn continues to dominate the professional sector, reaching over 100 million members this past March, and going public last month.

Although this button may not completely revolutionize how companies accept applications just yet, it is absolutely a stride in a more social direction. As we continue to evolve with our always plugged in lifestyles, this is a smart move for LinkedIn.

Do you see your business implementing a LinkedIn Job Application button?

Image credit: nanpalmero

Next On The IPO Craze- Groupon

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 12:36 PM PDT

It's happened and I'm sticking on topic, Groupon has filed for its IPO to raise $750 million. With 83 million email subscribers, the company sold 30 million coupons last year and already 28 million in 2011. Does anyone else see another Dot Com boom coming? Investment banks are going to be looking to the Internet community again the next big idea to take public and make money. Every is just waiting for Facebook to see what they are doing, but in the meantime, we are going to watch many companies starting to trade on the different stock markets. Early investors will make money I'm sure, but buyer beware, it could be only a matter of time that things come crashing like they did.

Even Worse News for Google +1

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 08:50 AM PDT

Originally my weekly commentary was going to be on an article that I found on Mashable about how Klout now has a +K button. Similar to Facebook's Like or to a lesser extent Google's +1 the +K is going to be given to users who have influenced a reader on a particular topic. Peter Shankman brought this up in his speech during the SFIMA conference a few weeks ago which you can read about here.

When I was looking at the article though, I noticed how many Facebook Likes there was compared to Google +1's. It's almost a 500 to 1 difference. This reminded me of an interview that Google ex-CEO Eric Schmidt conducted at the recent D9: All Things Digital conference where he largely admitted he missed the boat on Facebook and Social Media.

How does the 800 Pound Googlerilla (credit: Jay Berkowitz for coming up with the term) think about having now having another 800 pound gorilla (Facebook) in the room? They typically don't like to be 2nd in anything but as far as overtaking Facebook goes I think that ship has already sailed.

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