This Man Could Quadruple Your Trading Account.

Why I'm writing to you today


One of the advantages of WealthPress is that I'm part of a community of expert traders.

I get to talk shop with them, compare notes and when I meet someone truly special… introduce them to you -- my loyal members.

That's why I'm writing to you today, I want you to meet one of the best traders I've ever met. His name is Lance Ippolito, and I truly believe can help you multiply your trading account, fast.

Lance started off his career as a hedge fund trader. He used relatively conservative strategies in those days, investing in blue-chip stocks and indices.

But that's not why I want to introduce you to him. It's what he's done since that has me floored.

Over the past five years, Lance has been trading his own money. And in that time he's been able to exponentially grow several of his trading accounts.

He's the only person I've ever met that can consistently turn $10k into $20k, and $20k into a $90k down payment on a house (he recently did that). And it takes him months, not years.

As you can probably imagine, he doesn't do that by trading the Apples and Walmarts of the world.

Instead, he focuses on trading smaller companies that offer him an edge. Names that can move 3%-5% in one day. But he doesn't stop there.

He also trades options. So what happens when you combine fast-moving stocks with leverage? In the case of Lance, it means regular winners that deliver 100%-plus gains.

On top of that, he's a fantastic teacher and is truly passionate about helping traders. He doesn't hold back any of the techniques or strategies he uses to make a great living.

I'm only sending this email to my most loyal subscribers. And I've reached out to Lance and asked him to start sending you his top trade ideas and strategies for the next few days.

So if you want to have access to Lance -- absolutely free -- do nothing. He'll get in touch shortly.

If you'd rather NOT receive his trades and details on how he multiplies his account size, click the button below.

No Thanks -- I Don't Want Trades & Education form Lance

But I highly recommend you hear what Lance has to say… he could help you double… triple.. Or even quadruple your account size in the days to come.


There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.

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