Top Trading Strategies as Markets Decline

June 16, 2020
Breaking News
WealthPress is doing something we've never done before…

We're letting Jeff Zananiri take full rein tonight and host our WealthPress T.V. session.

We're talking about getting exclusive market information that could set the stage for your trades for the rest of the week…

He's already told us that this episode could change your trading forever, so why miss out?

Give me the details!

The Single Data Point That Changed Everything
Last week, every economist and analyst was blown away.

The United States defied all odds as the unemployment rate declined to 13.3% instead of soaring towards 20%.

Instead of millions more being unemployed, 2.5 million Americans went back to work. Like I said in last week's missive, America is at its best when its back is against the wall.

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Top Trading Strategies as Markets Decline
Before the end of last week, we had been seeing a consistent drift lower in the CBOE Volatility Index coupled with a rise in overall markets. As we have been predicting through momentum indications, Thursday changed everything…

We saw a complete reversal and a massive market sell-off. The VIX then closed at its highest level of volatility since April. The main catalyst? Mounting fears of a second wave of the virus.

Find out here

"Loved your recent on RSI, one of my favorite indicators. I also changed the time, but even a shorter period than yours. I'm going to put 10 days in now for a trial. Thanks for all the great information."

William R.

When the MACD falls below the signal line, it is a Bearish Crossover or signal which indicates that it may be time to sell. Conversely, when the MACD rises above the signal line, the indicator gives a Bullish Crossover or signal, which suggests that the price of the asset is likely to experience upward momentum. Some traders wait for a confirmed cross above the signal line before entering a position in order to reduce the chances of being "faked out" and entering a position too early.

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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