| How has this ex Bear Stearns trader been using these “useful idiots” to make millions?
Not only that, but now he claims anyone can cash in by following their mistakes…
| *clicking will automatically subscribe you to Money Link emails | | | | Profit isn’t a technical indicator.
That means we shouldn’t exit a trade just because we have a profit. As a matter of fact, that’s only going to limit our upside because we stop making money the second we take the trade off the burner.
But if we never actually sell, we’ll never grow our accounts…
That’s why, as traders, we need to figure out when and where to take a profit. To speed up that process, we have a few strategies that can help you increase the size of your winners.
| *clicking BookerWealth will automatically subscribe you to bookerwealth.com emails | | | | How to Bounce Back From a Losing Trading Day | After a day in the red, traders are usually gun shy… electing not to enter into positions that they normally would have…
The biggest hurdle is overcoming your emotions… and not letting them get in the way of your next trading day.
It begins with understanding that trading the markets have both their highs and their lows.
| *clicking these links will automatically subscribe you to Live Trade Profit emails | | | “You are one in a million keep it up. People like you are hard to find. Thanks”
Aloy N.
| | | The Squeeze is the central concept of Bollinger Bands®. When the bands come close together, constricting the moving average, it is called a squeeze. A squeeze signals a period of low volatility and is considered by traders to be a potential sign of future increased volatility and possible trading opportunities. Conversely, the wider apart the bands move, the more likely the chance of a decrease in volatility and the greater the possibility of exiting a trade. However, these conditions are not trading signals. The bands give no indication when the change may take place or which direction price could move. John Bollinger suggests using them with two or three other non-correlated indicators that provide more direct market signals. He believes it is crucial to use indicators based on different types of data. | | | Past performance is no guarantee of future results. There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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