Top Video Game Stocks for Big Gains in 2020

Everyone and their mom should be adding these to their portfolios…

Published: August 25, 2020

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Every single year…

On the same exact date…

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And this date is just days away… potentially triple your money with this ONE stock

Here's how you can crack the code

Top Video Game Stocks for Big Gains in 2020

The health crisis hasn't just flipped the market upside down... it's squashed our everyday lives, too. 

Since everyone's been stuck at home with little outside entertainment, tons of people who never used to play video games are now hooked. And once you start, it's really hard to stop. 

That's why this sector has seen a major spike in demand. 

So, my friend and WealthPress head trader Roger Scott thought he'd share a few game makers he's been loving lately.

Eat. Sleep. Game. Repeat!

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