Vaccine Timeline Boosts Investor Sentiment

It's reported that Pfizer's vaccine is on schedule for regulatory review in October, boosting investor sentiment.

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Vaccine Timeline Boosts Investor Sentiment

Most global shares edged higher this morning on hopes for a virus vaccine, even though worries about the pandemic's long-term economic damage remain strong. 

It's reported that Pfizer's vaccine is on schedule for regulatory review in October, boosting investor sentiment. Additionally, a remark from China's Commerce Ministry that China and the U.S. will hold a meeting via a phone call "in the near future" to resolve their tariff war added to those levels. 

But how many times have we heard that…? 

In today's video, I've got more on the U.S.-China trade war tensions… why the housing market is so hot right now… the top sectors that are ripe for pullbacks… and two pullback opportunities on the fastest rising stocks. 

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S&P 500 Hits New Record High

April 19, 2020

Tensions between Beijing and the U.S. are meddling with sentiment levels after President Trump delayed a virtual meeting because he "doesn't want to deal with them right now." However, an 8.2% rise in exports to China implies their recovery is counterbalancing weak demands in other markets.

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Here's 10 Trade Ideas for the Week!

June 17, 2020

It's rough out there, folks.

There are many traders that don't know how to manage their money in this type of market environment.

But I don't want you to have those problems...

That's why I can't think of a better way for me to start the week than to bring you my top ten trade ideas!

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