You Always Remember Your First Time…

...making $50K

Published: August 25, 2020

Wash, Rinse, Repeat

Did you know there's a specific stock that has gone up EVERY single year… on the EXACT same date... for decades? 

It doesn't give a rip about the news, earnings, the Fed or what anyone has to say… 

It simply EXPLODES on the same date, every year, without having to ask anyone in the world… And when you know this date, you can cash in massive gains. 

Just take a look at Intuit. This stock has gone up every single year, on the exact same day, for the past decade…

Had you known about it 10 years ago, and only placed trades on this day… could have turned a small, $10,000 account into a whopping $893,690 today. And, yes, that's all from just one trade a year. 

But it's not just limited to Intuit. If you know the right stocks, you'll find this happening every single day.

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Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

How I Made My First $50K

When trading options, timing means everything…

It's said that over 90% of options expire worthless due to bad timing. In fact, every day that you hold a call or put option, time is actively working against you. It's called "Theta" decay. 

But let's say you set your timing right, what's the next step

Maybe you get a bump to the upside -- that trend reversal or momentum. That's where you can go into the options market and leverage an advantage because each contract represents 100 shares of stock. 

Every time you put on a trade, always ask yourself what your max loss on the trade will be.

Then, look at the reward. What's the gain on the trade? Why am I in the trade? 

Today, I'm going to show you how I used these three approaches to make my first $50k  in the options market.

Now it's your turn

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