Pfizer’s $7.2 Million Trade

You have 38 days to get in on it
Is your money at stake??

October 20, 2020

How You Could Get 339% on Your Money Every Week

As you may already know, many "Robinhood traders" have been flooding the stock market…

But what you probably don't know is that they've overwhelmed Wall Street.

You see, the advantage is no longer in their hands… it's in ours!

While some investors are sidelining themselves for the coming election… this group is preparing for massive capital floods.

And it could earn you up to 339% on your money every single week… If you miss this now, you'll miss one of the best opportunities to profit that you'll see in years.

Want to get ahead of the next Robinhood capital flood?

Click here

Lance Ippolito, Editor - Future of Wealth
Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

The Best COVID-19 Vaccine Stock to Buy

The race for a coronavirus vaccine continues with Pfizer Inc. (NYSE: PFE) taking the spotlight once more.

People keeping up with the race already know Pfizer was one of the nine companies in September that took a stance to "stand with science" and not rush a vaccine that hasn't been properly vetted.

The Food and Drug Administration is insisting on companies having at least two months of data on half of the people participating in the trial after their final dose before approving the Emergency Use Authorization.

Pfizer announced Friday it won't apply its vaccine for emergency authorization until after the election — despite President Donald Trump insisting we would have a cure before the elections.

However, of the four companies currently in the late-stage testing phase of their vaccines, Pfizer's aggressive timeline goals are beating Moderna Inc. (Nasdaq: MRNA), AstraZeneva Plc. (Nasdaq: AZN) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE: JNJ).

With so many eyes on this company the past few months, the stock market has begun to take notice… and so has Joshua Belanger.

You see, after taking a look at the charts he noticed a major coronavirus vaccine play being made with the pay-off potential of $7.2 million… in the next 38 days… on a $1.1 million outlay.
Here's what you need to do

Electric Vehicles

The Secret to Finding Profits in Pairs

October 17, 2020

2020 is one of the wildest years Wall Street has seen.

With so many trading combinations at our disposal, how could you possibly know what the best pairs trade is to take? Or even the best way to implement it?!

Let WealthPress Head Trader Roger Scott do all the work...

It's our job to come up with new ways for our readers to make more money, and he's giving away the best pairs trade to take right now... along with tips on how Roger would carry out this trade and some basic terms you must understand.

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Cannabis

October 19, 2020

The cannabis industry's growth is expected to more than double in the next five years or so — and now is the time to invest!

With more and more states decriminalizing and legalizing cannabis, the opportunities in this sector have just begun.

Recently cannabis stocks that trade on the U.S. stock market rose after Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Kamala Harris announced the plan to decriminalize marijuana.

Does that mean you should invest in the cannabis sector now?

Today I want to cover three reasons why you should be investing in cannabis and the advantages this sector has over trading on the S&P 500.

A New Money Crew Publication

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The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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