Stocks, ETFs to Profit From Skyrocketing Food Costs

May 1, 2021
Only Trade During Wall Street's
Weakest Hour
One former hedge fund trader just pulled back the curtain on a new trading method that only requires attention in the stock market right before it closes.

From the time the market opens until about 3 p.m. EDT, Wall Street has the upper hand. But once 3 p.m. rolls around, the big funds on Wall Street start bleeding cash… which sends certain stocks crashing lower.

Take advantage of these cash bleeds during Wall Street's weakest hour for the chance to make huge returns the next morning when the market opens up again.
Learn This Revolutionary Trading Trick
Netflix Bombs Earnings and Our Market Outlook for the Rest of 2021
WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott and I have a lot to say about the future health of the economy, especially with President Joe Biden's plan for a capital gains tax hike in 2021.

Biden is proposing a capital gains tax hike that'll essentially double the tax rate wealthy Americans (earning $1 million and up a year) pay on investment returns.

And it's not just the rich people who are going to end up hurting if this gets voted in...

It's you, too.
Everything Wrong With the Capital Gains Tax & More
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Stocks, ETFs to Profit From Skyrocketing Food Costs
If you've done any amount of grocery shopping recently, you've likely noticed that food prices are rising.

So we're back with another video that's a bit off-the-beaten path as far as investing goes — which is a good thing if you're looking for value!

But this also highlights a bigger problem — inflation and the Federal Reserve…

And, mostly importantly, we're here to talk about actionable ideas you can use to profit from skyrocketing food costs.
Check These Out
The ONLY Trading Strategy
You'll Ever Need
Joy of the Trade Head Trader Jeff Zananiri just told us about a breakthrough trading strategy so powerful, he's already used it to signal 20%, 30%, even 50% winners overnight…

Every day of the week.

How does he do it? By simply buying certain stocks right at the market's close and then selling them again the next morning.

We almost didn't believe Jeff when he told us about his overnight strategy, but then we started digging into the 3 p.m. EDT market phenomena that Jeff calls a Burn Notice.
Here's How Jeff Does It
"Frankly, I am impressed... seen a lot of systems... and some great returns... but you have us looking behind the curtain!"


A Day Trader often closes all trades before the end of the trading day, so not to hold open positions overnight. A day trader is more concerned with price action characteristics of a stock itself. Volume, liquidity, price volatility, and average daily range are critical to a day trader.
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Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio.
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