Lies and Statistics: China STILL Can’t Hide Trade Weaknesses

August 21, 2021
Forget Buy-and-Hold Strategies
Future of Wealth Head Trader Lance Ippolito just revealed how he spots trades with the potential to return upward of five times his initial investment every single month.

Not only does this strategy protect his portfolio from long-term volatility, but it gives him the chance to bank massive winners in just 24 hours.

We've never seen anything quite like this before.

With Lance's Weekly Blitz Alerts, we can throw the old buy-and-hold strategy out the window. And forget spending hours reading through pages of earnings reports and squinting at stock charts.
See His Strategy in Action
These 2 Stocks Are in for a BIG Breakdown. Here's How to Profit
I'm sure we've all heard the news that retail sales dropped 1.1% in July, a much larger dip than the 0.3% decline Wall Street analysts expected.

It's likely that the delta variant might have changed people's spending habits.

Tuesday's report revealed that spending fell in stores that sell clothing, furniture and sporting goods. I mean, even online sales have started to stall, falling 3.1% from a month before. But at restaurants and bars, spending still rose about 2%.

Now, before you draw the conclusion that I'm bearish on all retail stocks, that's not the case! I'm still fairly bullish on the large-cap retailers I mentioned Monday.

But I do know of some retail stocks that'll make great short-side trades...
Get Ready to Short
Lies and Statistics: China STILL Can't Hide Trade Weaknesses
We're revisiting a piece on China trade data I wrote last July with the intent to see how things have changed.

Spoiler alert: Although data has been updated, not much is different. The near-term outlook remains bearish, and longer-term projections show a decreasing willingness for global trade partners to put up with China's controlling nature.

But with this week's debacle in Afghanistan, along with rampant speculation that the fallout will somehow work out well for the Middle Kingdom, I felt the need to update this data — if only so I could update my own perspective.

And while that perspective hasn't changed much, that doesn't mean it won't next time… or the time after that.
Hope You Enjoy
Stop Wasting Hours Staring at a Computer Screen
Most people don't know this… but traditional investing research is becoming obsolete.

That means the hours and hours spent studying stock charts and squinting at spreadsheets is a massive waste of time.

Traders need a new way to level the playing field against Wall Street and its lightning-fast trading activity — without putting their entire portfolio at risk.

Future of Wealth Head Trader Lance Ippolito's Weekly Blitz Alerts can help them do just that.

In it, Lance shows everyday investors how to capture predictable profits with trades that often pay out overnight.
Collect These 24-Hour Windfalls
"You guys are by far my favorite. Best Regards,"

Andrew B.
A Break-down refers to a security's price movement lower through a historical support level. A break-down typically precedes heavy trading volume and increased volatility.
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