Tesla Is Under Investigation and in Turmoil. Try This EV Stock Instead

August 22, 2021
Learn How to Trade Like a
Wall Street Insider
Isn't it interesting how Wall Street always seems to be one step ahead of the average Joe?

It's because they have a ton of top-secret trading strategies that give them an edge over everyone else!

And while their methods are usually kept under lock and key… former hedge fund insider Lance Ippolito has decided to pull back the curtain on Wall Street's best-kept market strategy.

Lance is getting ready to reveal how tracking something called a "Shadow Blitz" can help predict which stocks are ready to explode…

Handing everyday investors huge cash windfalls in as little as 24 hours!
How to Use Lance's Trading Discovery
3 Major Events to Lookout for on
Top of Volatility
The week started off with weakness in Asian and European markets, U.S. futures looking down and three major signs of late-summer stock market volatility appearing on my radar.

The market has been exhibiting toppish signs — when things appear to be reaching a top in prices — for a few weeks. I expect a volatile Wall Street later in the summer and a big upswing in bearish moves in the fall.  

And like I said in Monday's video, the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban will trigger a huge geopolitical risk-off market.

Investors will realize that U.S. foreign policy has a ton of failures and weaknesses, which could open the door for other black swan events such as China taking over Taiwan.
Watch for These Events
Tesla Is Under Investigation and in Turmoil. Try This EV Stock Instead
On Monday, we touched on the tragedy occurring overseas in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, there's yet another tragedy hitting the news. Monday evening, a car crashed into a public school… leading to the Tesla self-driving investigation that's been dominating headlines.

While the mainstream media may love tragedies because it gives them something to talk about — if it bleeds, it leads, as they say — I'm not a huge fan.

However, I felt the need to cover this one…

Because, frankly, it could have been avoided.

And we have the perfect company to revolutionize the self-driving industry.
A Look Under the Hood
Why the 10-Time Trading Champion Is Betting $3.4 Million on THIS
This triple-digit winner wasn't found in the "regular" stock market…

And while the stock only moved 2%... legendary trader Chuck Hughes made it possible for traders to capture a 388% gain.

Now, he believes this new play has the same type of massive potential…
See Chuck's No. 1 Market Play
"First of all would like to thank you for the highly valuable content you're providing in your videos and blog. I really appreciate that!"

Gerhard A.

A Gap is a break between prices on a stock chart that occurs when the price of a stock makes a sharp move up or down with no trading occurring in between. In general, gaps occur at the open of major exchanges. Opening gaps result from a newsworthy event that happens after trading is over, which has an effect on the price of a security. This effect outside of trading hours results in an imbalance in supply and demand when the market opens the next day, thus leading to a gap.
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