Where NFTs Fit in the Crypto Space — and How to Profit From Them

August 15, 2021
This Strategy Isn't Just a
'Unicorn Investment'
A trader doubling their money in a year is often thought of as nothing more than a dream…

If that's the dream… Then what is it when an investment quadruples?

Because it happened… and it only took 15 minutes out of WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott's day.

On Apr. 9, one of his picks crossed the "Sniper Line," and Roger took his shot

Three days later it was up 400%!
What's Crossing the Line Next?
Where NFTs Fit in the Crypto Space — and How to Profit From Them
A lot of people have been talking about NFTs — non-fungible tokens — and it's been a big craze this year…

They've fallen out of favor and then came back in. And I'd like to give you a brief overview to connect the dots and make sense of them — and discuss how to make money with NFTs!

So if there's a "non-fungible token," then that means there has to be a fungible token, right?

Exactly! And a fungible token is simply something like Bitcoin or Ethereum, where if I give you one bitcoin or one Ethereum token, you can give one back.    

A non-fungible token is something that is unique…
Here's How to Profit From Them
Set up Aggressive Options Plays With This Trading Fundamental
There's no guaranteed way for traders to accurately determine the future path of a stock — there are way too many unknown factors on Wall Street at any given moment.

But that doesn't mean we can't catch a glimpse of where a stock should move based on some simple data analysis.

One of the tools traders learn to leverage early on is the 20-day simple moving average.

It's one of the stock trading fundamentals that can help investors figure out if a trend is going to continue or reverse, becoming either bullish or bearish.
Ready to Be Aggressive?
Stop Researching and Take a Vacation
WealthPress Senior Strategist Roger Scott is tired of pouring over report after report of data… OK, maybe not, but that isn't how everyone likes to spend their time.

All that research paid off for Roger, however, when he made this discovery.

A discovery so powerful that in 27 years of trading, he's never seen anything like it.

And now he wants to share it with traders that are tired of owning stocks that are going nowhere, when they could be on vacation instead. And all they have to watch…

Is one single line.
Ready for Some Time Off?
"What a valuable lesson I am getting from you. Thanks Roger!"

Choon L.

A Credit Spread is an option strategy involving the simultaneous buying and selling of options with different strike prices requiring a net inflow of cash. Here, the sum of all options sold is higher than the sum of all options purchased.  The difference between the two premiums is a credit you receive, and it will be deposited in your brokerage account when you open the position. In most cases, the goal of a credit spread is to have both options expire worthless, retaining your credit as profit from the transaction.
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Any performance results discussed herein represent past performance, are not a guarantee of future performance, and are not indicative of any specific investment.
Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio.
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