Ignore the Tape Bombs. Rising Rates Aren’t Bearish for This Watchlist

The stock market rally finally suffered substantial losses Thursday as the 10-year Treasury yields continue to rise. So, do we find ourselves staring down the barrel of a broad stock market retreat or a sector rotation?

Ignore the Tape Bombs. Rising Rates Aren't Bearish for This Watchlist

September 29, 2021

Here we go again.

The bears were out in full force across financial media Tuesday, completely freaking out about a 1.5% interest rate.

One point five.

Yes, that is a significant movement, but it doesn't mean that everything is going to crumbling down. So pay no heed to the media and its bears.

Because while they're focusing on a bunch of nothingburgers…

We're looking somewhere else.

Want to See?

Simple Weekend Trading Strategy Released

Many traders, through no fault of their own, are leaving hundreds… even thousands of dollars on the table.

Every. Single. Weekend.

And they don't even realize it.

Like on Friday, June 4, someone who knew this secret could have grabbed a 486% winner over the weekend… A week later, those weekend profits could have snagged an incredible 610% win.

And New Money Crew Head Trader Lance Ippolito did exactly that.

He's Ready to Share the Secret

Interest Rates Say the Market Is Changing. We Must Trade Accordingly

September 27, 2021

Markets can change on a dime — right at the moment you least expect it. I noted last week that China's crypto crackdown and Evergrande collapse were driving the headlines.

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