Your Antidote to Authority’s Creep

From the Desk of Don Yocham:    

Meddler's Malice and the Three M's of Malignant Money

Every time you hit the aisles of your local grocery store; you make all kinds of tradeoffs.

Maybe you feel like paying up for organic kale today.

You like good cheese, but that grass-fed Irish white cheddar seems a bit steep.

Country ham from the deli-counter sliced as thin as your heart desires sounds great though you grew up just fine on Oscar Meyer bologna.

As consumers, we constantly make decisions to optimize our spending – some big, some small. (Sorry about pasting you with the "consumer" label. Consider it shorthand for Economic Agent because your power as an actor within society isn't limited to your consumption. Every choice matters. And only you possess the information to make them.)

Even the items you buy without thought come with a history of past decisions.

Now, the only person with any clue as to what makes the most sense for you, given your needs, goals, values, desires, habits, or whatever, stares back at you from the mirror every morning.

But that fundamental truth gets lost on meddlers. They know what you SHOULD do because they incorrectly presume an informational advantage. They can make those tradeoffs better than you.

And when persuasion doesn't work, they can always resort to force.
Thankfully, their arrogant presumption carries an enormous cost that undermines the one tool essential to impose their will.

And your edge in this Game of Wills lies in the fact that you will always be free to use that tool against them...
To your success,
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