8% trading SPY | 134% using special tactic on SPY

Believe it or not, the most liquid traded asset in the U.S. stock exchange is not a large cap stock…

It's not Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, or even Facebook…

The most widely traded asset is actually… the SPY!

And in fact, it was the very first exchange traded fund listed in the United States…

So in a nutshell, if you wanted to trade the overall stock market all in one shot…

The SPY should be your #1 choice.

Traders holding the SPY over the past few months, would've been able to yield a pretty great return…
8.29%! Now I know that's not a crazy double or triple digit return, but taking into consideration the average S&P return is 6% a year…

You've come out on top!

Trading expert Roger Scott is here to tell you there was a way to outperform the SPY… by trading the SPY… the way he does.

Because instead of yielding a 8.29% return since October 2021 on the SPY…

Using this unique tactic, he's been able to generate an overall 134.48% return since October… All generated by moves in the S&P!*

And honestly, we'd take a 134% return over 8% any day of the week.

Now here's where YOU come in…

Roger's kept this tactic under the radar for close to two years now…

But recently, he's seen too many investors make the mistake of "buy and hold the SPY"...

So he feels very convicted to share this tactic with you and other traders publicly.

Roger's looking forward to seeing you there… Please don't make the mistake that led others to a small 8% return…

When you could've nailed an overall 134% return over the SAME TIME PERIOD! *

If you are comfortable with potentially changing the way you look at the S&P 500 forever…

All the best,

*Disclaimer: The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money.
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The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.


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