Why the QQQ Is Headed Higher in 2022

January 3, 2022
Is January the Best Month for Trading?
Joy of the Trade Head Trader Jeff Zananiri sure thinks so!

And Jeff Z is hosting a LIVE educational class Wednesday, Jan. 5 at 1 p.m. EST to teach everyone why he loves a special strategy in particular…

"There's no doubt in my mind," Jeff said, "this is the top trading strategy for the next 30 days."

Last January, this exact strategy pulled a fat 210% winner from the market...

So be there Wednesday LIVE, when Jeff reveals his No. 1 trading strategy for January…
And Get This FREE Report!
Don't Let a Quiet Market Lull You to Sleep. Volatility IS Coming
We already discussed what we expected from the economy in 2022… But what about trading?

For the past year, we've been screaming "buy" every time there's a dip we like.

These dips have often coincided with monthly options expiry, where speculators and market makers alike are forced to rapidly adjust positions.

Those were all calls we could make with confidence, though...

Economic conditions were improving, company revenues were accelerating and government policies were still accommodative.

And the CBOE VIX Volatility Index — the "fear index," in parlance — reflected as much. That may not be the case, however…
Time to Get Defensive?
Why the QQQ Is Poised to Move Higher in 2022
As we head into the new year, I want to thank all of you for your support. We've had a remarkable year here at WealthPress, and I look forward to a great 2022.

One of the strongest areas in the market this past year has been large-cap tech stocks. So today, that's exactly what I want to talk about…

The stocks in the Nasdaq have been supporting other major indices when the market takes a beating, as well as when a lot of sector rotations occur beneath the surface. And not only have these stocks offered their support, they've also led the way higher.
Learn What's Next for the Nasdaq Here
 "Thank you Roger, the video was very helpful."

Frank M.

 Swing Trading attempts to capture gains in a stock (or any financial instrument) within an overnight hold of several weeks. Swing traders use technical analysis to look for stocks with short-term price momentum. These traders may utilize the fundamental or intrinsic value of stocks in addition to analyzing the price trends and patterns.

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The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money.
Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio.
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