[S3 Advantage] This is new for me…

I don't do this very often

Hello Friend,

Over the last few weeks, you've heard a lot about the S3 Advantage…

You've learned all about this completely algorithmic paradigm shift that Roger Scott and I have been working on bringing to the public for over two years.

You've seen how in our meticulous backtesting process, we identified that these three factors, when overlapping, identified a winning trade 73% of the time — even in the insane markets we're experiencing this year!

And you've even discovered how the very best of those gains included double and triple-digit gains that fired on the same stock over and over and over again! Including…

  • 56 winners on LULU
  • 81 winners on ADBE
  • 82 winners on AMAT

And so many more!

I haven't been this excited about a trading discovery for many years… which is why this is the FIRST brand new strategy I'm releasing in over 24 months!

When Roger and I announced the S3 Advantage Alerts service to the world, we immediately received hundreds of new members…

But I searched our rolls and recognized that you weren't among them!

Friend, I've been scratching my head for why that could be, and the only thing I could come up with is concerns about price.

I know the markets have been brutal this year, and I recognize that with inflation and every other challenge, folks might not have as many resources as they have in the past.

So if you're in that category, I want to do something extremely special to help you take advantage of our very next trade.

For a limited time, Roger and I will be offering a quarterly access price to S3 Advantage Alerts.

I'm confident that in three months, you'll see exactly how powerful these trades are, and will find the resources to join me for a full year.

So I'm ready to give you three months of access today for just $297…

And what's more, I want all the risk on me. So I'm extending my 30-day ironclad moneyback guarantee even to these quarterly memberships.

That means no matter what we do over the next month, even if we nail every trade with flying colors, if you're not completely satisfied with everything you receive as an S3 Alerts member, you'll get your money back. Every cent.

I can't imagine a better opportunity to join this brand new service at a reasonable price I'm hopeful any trader can afford.

So if you missed out on the first round of founding memberships and want to join today at this special price tier, you're just a few steps away…

Go here to become a member of S3 Advantage Alerts right away

The next trade will be published early this week, and I want it to be sent to your inbox. I hope this quarterly opportunity makes that possible for you.

Trade well,



Superior Information 300 Center Drive #G140 Superior, Colorado 80027 United States

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