The quickest way to success? You might want to sit down. It’s pretty counterintuitive. Fail. A lot. It’s true. Your eyes do not deceive you. Some of the most successful companies in the world build failure right into their business plans. There’s even an entire website dedicated to all the divisions Google has killed off over the years. So it goes with trading. I always say that it’s important to have a lot of “at bats”, meaning that the more swings you take, the more you can avoid risking it all on one potentially big hit, that could turn the other way and turn into a big flop. At its core is the realization that none of us is perfect. Even the greatest trading system in the world is going to have some losses. Better to accept the reality that you will have losses and move on. The key is successful trade management. Don’t commit too much capital to a trade. Know how much you expect in profits. Just like Google. It’s how I’ve managed to have a successful career for nearly 30 years. And I’m still doing it, with a service that boasts a 10x return since December, personally. That means someone starting with $2000, never putting another dollar in… Just based on the power of the trades, ends up with $20,000, following my exact trade alerts. Now I know a lot of folks are hesitant to drop a few hundred dollars. Even if it is the bargain of a lifetime. So I’ve launched a new service called The Daily Pick. For just $9/month you’ll get a pick from me every trading day. That’s roughly 20 picks a month for less than the cost of a meal. And the way the market has been, you’re going to want a lot of “at bats”. A lot of small swings means you can let your winners ride… and cut your losers fast. Just like Google. |
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