
And just a couple critical notes on gravy

Hey, it's Jack.

Wow, what a year from last year's Thanksgiving.

There is so much to be thankful for it's ridiculous.

But before I get into that thankfulness part, I want to give you a tip about how I handle Thanksgiving dinner.

It's all about the gravy.

The gravy has to be unreal good because it's the most important part of the dinner.

Everything else revolves around the gravy.

I've been working on my gravy game since I was old enough to cut my own meat.

I've tried a lot of different methods for incorporating a healthy dose of gravy on everything.

The traditional way, as you know, is to pour gravy over everything.

But there are much better and more efficient ways.

For years my method involved having my own gravy boat next to my plate so I could dunk every bite in it.

That worked for a long time, but now I have a much better gravy tactic.

It goes like this…

Take your empty dinner plate and then pour about a quarter inch of gravy on the plate first.

Then add your turkey, mashed taters, stuffing, green bean casserole, and dinner rolls — with a healthy wad of butter inside the roll.

Your next and final step is to cover the entire plate with more gravy.

This, my friend, is pure heaven.

I highly recommend you try it.

OK, let's talk about thankfulness.




The people I work with.

The people I work for – which is you. I'm very thankful to have you as a reader and customer.

How about relationships?

I'm thankful for those too.

My 17-year-old dog.

Very thankful to still have this mean old turd with me every day.

What else?

The stock market. Yes, I'm very thankful we have a stock market.

Otherwise, I would have probably been a ditch digger or in jail.

Options too. I'm very thankful we have an options market. I couldn't even imagine how hard it would have been to make money this year trading only stocks.

But with options, we have a way to make cash flow weekly and monthly. And that's what I love about them.

Check this out – every month, I make one trade on one stock and that trade gives me instant cash.

I think you will like this too.

That's why I made this video presentation.

Click here to watch it

I hope you have a lot to be thankful for this year, and I hope you enjoy your holiday.

Trade Well,


PS. It's impossible to overdose on gravy so have at it.


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