Communism By Any Other Name…

This 'ism Manufactures Victims & Leaves Ruin In Its Wake
An extreme close-up of the bottom right corner of a USD$100 bill.

Commies always want more.

More out of the able. More submission. More loyalty. More centralization. More welfare. More government. More dependence.

But that’s what you should expect from an organism that eats itself. It’s a cannibal. And to borrow some eternally positive but ultimately vapid politically correct rhetoric one might hear on The View, cannibals aren’t exactly “prosperity forward.”

That’s because the whole philosophy is blind to what drives prosperity in the first place. Production, innovation, and wealth doesn’t trickle down from the top. It percolates up from the bottom. Prosperity arises from the motivation of the empowered individual.

Nonetheless, communism relentlessly rears its malignant head time and time again. And whether it calls itself Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, social democracy, liberal progressive, social justice, or woke, commies always set their victims (all commies are victims) squarely on the path to ruin.

When a country’s citizens, resources, and incentives have been bled dry, that path to ruin inevitably requires more of something else — money.

And for that perpetual socialist basket case Argentina, that more has destroyed their currency by a factor of 1 trillion…

Signature Don Yocham
Don Yocham
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