Don’t miss the FREE trades Monday @ 12 pm!

On Monday, October 30th @ 12 pm (the day after my birthday) I’m hosting the first ever ProTrader Dashboard LIVE Trading Session!
On Monday, October 30th @ 12 pm (the day after my birthday) I’m hosting the first ever ProTrader Dashboard LIVE Trading Session!*
*[Clicking this link will automatically register you for ProTrader Dashboard and periodic updates from The TradingPub (privacy policy)]

Not only do you get to look over my shoulder as I scan the market for hot new trade ideas… and take them as they come 100% FREE

But you’ll get to see how the brand new ProTrader Dashboard can instantly track the stocks that Wall Street traders are likely buying or selling… in real time! 

Just look at some of the past top signals so far…

69% on NEE in 1 day
75% on PENN in 2 days
80% on TSLA in 1 day
105% on SQ in 2 days
114% on SO in 1 day
220% on ORCL in 2 days
426% on RTX in 2 days
584% on DELL in 2 days

Granted, some trades were bigger, some were smaller and some even resulted in a loss. 

But overall, I’ve locked in some pretty sweet winners using the all-new ProTrader Dashboard

You can check out the free live trading session which is happening on Monday, October 30th at 12 p.m. ET…

But to prepare your mind for that, here’s a quick insider view of exactly what this tool is capable of… 


And once you view it, you’ll see how you can unlock a free pass to the upcoming trading session.

Check it out here for free

All the best! 

*The profits and performance shown are not typical, we make no future earnings claims and you may lose money. The alerts expressed are trades Roger published in real time using the ProTrader Dashboard in his VIP room over the summer. There were bigger winners, there were smaller winners, and there were losers. Trade at your own risk. ​

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