CDLX followup

(still haven’t been assigned)
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Hey traders,

Whenever I talk about naked puts… people love the idea of “selling a promise” as I like to call it…

But the conversation inevitably turns to, “Yeah, but what if I get assigned the stock?”

I’ve often talked about how hard it is to get assigned a stock, even when you want to get it assigned to you.

I’ve sometimes gone months selling put after put without being assigned!

But to give you an up-close look at how hard it is to get assigned, there’s a live example going on right now that I think you’ll find interesting.

Last week, one of my behind-the-scenes crew took over for a day to talk about his experience selling naked puts on CDLX.

A few days after he sold the put, the stock plunged 40%.

Click below to continue reading…

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Trade well,

Jack Carter


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