When something happens twice it is a coincidence…

What is it when it happens 17 times?
Take a quick look at this chart…

You’ve heard the old saying: “once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is a pattern.”

Well what happens when the same pattern repeats 17 times in a row? 

That’s what you’ll find out on April 4th at 11am ET

Because Jeffry Turnmire will be LIVE revealing the details of this hidden, new “Income Pocket” that you’ve never heard of before.

And in this urgent briefing, he’ll teach you why this trade was capable of winning 17 trades in a row, and when the next opportunity might set up! 

Sign up here to save a seat at the briefing 

You know he can’t promise any wins, results are never guaranteed, but Jeffry is more excited about this breakthrough than just about anything he's ever discovered. 

Trade well, 
Jack Carter

Disclaimer: Jeffry’s strategy has issued 19 total trade alerts, with 17 winners and two trades still open. The average hold time is 18.1 days, and the average return on risk is 15.1%. Past performance does not guarantee future results.


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