Behind the throne…

Dear Reader,

For decades, one group in Washington, D.C., has been solidifying its power behind the scenes.

Stoking political division… attacking capitalism… starting wars... this group has done everything in its power to gain more control…

Knowing if they were successful, America would fall.

I’m not talking about the deep state... big tech, big pharma, the mainstream media… or any of the other boogeymen you hear people ranting about online.


This hidden group is far more powerful.

Now with Biden in office, they’ve established a near-permanent stranglehold on our country.

And what they have planned next will shock you.

In my new exposé, I pull back the curtain on what’s really going on in America, what’s coming next, and what you must do to protect your assets before it’s too late.

You can watch my new documentary here.

Porter Stansberry

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