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Dear Reader,
I’ve been canceled before…
I’ve spoken out against critical race theory, the climate change agenda, the Covid lockdowns, and financial fraud at the heart of some of America’s most storied companies and institutions.
For daring to question the establishment's narrative, I’ve been tarred as a bigot, a conspiracy theorist, and every other “ist” and “ism” under the sun… but I don’t care.
I feel it’s my moral obligation to speak truth to power, despite the risks to my reputation, my business, and my own welfare.
And that’s why I’m writing to you today.
I just released a new exposé on one of America’s most shocking stories.
It involves a hidden group that has done more to destroy the political, social, and economic fabric of our country than any other.
I’m not talking about an ethnic group, religious group, or even a political party – this unelected group operates in the shadows yet wields more power than anyone else in America.
For decades, they’ve quietly been solidifying their power.
Now, they’ve established a near-permanent stranglehold on our country.
And what this group has planned for the 2024 election will shock you.
It’s a plan that, if successful, could be more financially devastating than the 2008 financial crisis… and more consequential to your freedoms than the COVID lockdowns.
That’s why if you have any savings in the bank or own any stocks and assets, you must watch my new documentary before it’s too late.
You can stream it for free by going here.
Porter Stansberry
to bring you the latest market-moving news.
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