A Message from Porter & Company You won’t often hear me quoting Lenin… And although I abhor everything the founding father of the world’s first socialist state stands for, he did get one thing perfect: “There are decades where nothing happens… and there are weeks where decades happen.” We’ve been in a decade of “nothing” for some time now. You see, while there have been thousands of new inventions and innovations in almost every field over the last few decades… they’ve typically been incremental and linear. You can see the technology advance from A to B to C. But this… this… is a true paradigm shift. The type that comes along once in a generation. I’m talking about a new technological breakthrough with an impact that could be on par with the printing press, the steam engine, or personal computers. While I’m well aware how hyperbolic that sounds, I’m willing to stake my reputation and my career on it. Just like I did 25 years ago when I started telling friends, family, and anyone who would listen about an unprecedented societal shift that was barreling down on us. Back then, I’d discovered a new tech was about to unleash massive, almost unimaginable, changes. I likened the impact to the railroad boom, the Industrial Revolution, and the rise of personal computing. At the time, I was working as an investment analyst for an elite research group, but my colleagues and bosses refused to listen to me. No matter what I said, they simply would not acknowledge the sands shifting beneath their feet. The legendary Dr. Kurt Richebacher – one of the world’s leading Austrian economists – even called me and my ideas “radical.” But I was certain this new technology would trigger a transformation that was simply unfathomable to most people and those on the frontier could reap financial returns unlike any the world had ever seen before. So, I decided to put my entire career – not to mention every cent I had – on the line to spread the story myself. I left my job as a research analyst… went home to my third-floor apartment in one of Baltimore’s worst neighborhoods… and with a borrowed laptop I wrote my first financial prophecy. And in an investment paper that’s now been read by more than one hundred thousand people… I explained how the endless miles of new fiber optic cables being laid was creating a new railroad across America. And that this new “railroad” was going to upend the telecommunications industry and pave the way for a new internet economy. I also warned it would decimate some of America's most dominant companies like AT&T. At the time, this was an outlandish idea, with analysts calling AT&T “dominant”, “unstoppable”, and “the giant that no other company can topple.” But those who were willing to open their minds to my so-called “radical” ideas were not only able to sell these companies before they collapsed… They also had the chance to get in early on the firms that would go on to command this new internet economy: Amazon, Adobe, Qualcomm, SunMicrosystems, Uniphase, Texas Instruments… These are household names now but when I first recommended them in the late 90s, they were complete unknowns. Since then, I’ve issued a number of other financial prophecies, many of which have come to pass precisely as I predicted. But today, I’m stepping forward with a new exposé that I believe could surpass anything I’ve ever done…  I don’t think we will ever again see a story that rivals the magnitude of this during my lifetime. I’m not talking about AI… quantum computing… augmented reality… the blockchain… or anything else you might be thinking of. No. This is far bigger than them all. In fact… It’s the cornerstone that all our recent technological innovations have been built upon and the future will be built upon too. Yet you’ve likely never heard of it before. Outside of the labs in the world’s most prestigious universities and tech companies, almost nobody has. But those who have… those who can see the writing on the wall… they’re investing billions of dollars, as they know this will transform everything. Marc Andreessen… Ben Horowitz… Elon Musk… Jeff Bezos… Mark Zuckerberg…Jensen Huang… Bill Gates… the list goes on and on. They know, as I do, that in a few years from now, we will not recognise the world we live in. How we work, live, communicate, transact… it will all be completely upended by what’s coming next. Today, for the first time, I’m going to share it all with you… and I promise you’ve never heard anything like this before. You see, despite the magnitude of this story, nobody is openly and freely discussing this technological turning point. And that deeply concerns me, because I believe its emergence will draw an indelible demarcation line in society. On one side, you’ll have those who understand it, invest in it, and who are greatly enriched by it. On the other side… you’ll have those who turn a blind eye and are impoverished by the sweeping changes it ushers in. I know what side I’ll be on. And I know what side I want you to be on. So go here to watch my full investigation into this story. Including the names of the companies to buy and sell if you want to capitalize on the multi-trillion dollar revolution this technology promises to usher in. Enjoy. Porter Stansberry |
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