Welcome! Thank you for subscribing to Derby City Daily! Derby City Daily is a brand-new research service powered by the LikeFolio experts you know and love, now delivering their consumer demand insights straight to your inbox – completely free. This e-letter is part of a larger Derby City Insights initiative, where our mantra is, "Know Main Street's moves before they're Wall Street news." And it's based on a powerful premise: that consumers "know" what the next hot trend will be long before Wall Street gets wise. The moneymaking opportunities you'll get with Derby City Daily are powered by LikeFolio's social media machine of 10+ years of historical data... 10,767 brands and counting... and 2,777 posts read, analyzed, and ranked every minute of every day. Consider it your "unfair" investing edge – one that lets you get the drop on the big Wall Street investment banks – and every other investor out there. You will receive your first issue of Derby City Daily soon. Until then, we're honored to officially welcome you to Derby City Daily with this personal letter from my brother (and LikeFolio co-founder) Landon Swan. Enjoy, |
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