Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Will Oreo Set a Facebook Guinness Record Today?

Posted: 15 Feb 2011 10:15 AM PST

Did you hear about Oreo's announcement this morning? It's official! They have embarked on a Facebook mission: setting the first ever Guinness World Record for the most "Likes" to a Facebook post within 24 hours. Oreo is well on its way too – as I'm writing this post they are currently at 40,173 "Likes".

This is an excellent example of community engagement. Of course you may not have as many Facebook 'Likers' as a huge brand like Oreo, however, can you harness the power of your own community as they did? Continuously engage with your community, providing them with value/fun during every touch point. If you do so, perhaps you too can set out for a Facebook Guinness Record!

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