Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

InternetMarketingClub.org Presents Website Lab Webinar

Posted: 21 Feb 2011 01:22 PM PST

Join Jay Berkowitz, CEO of TenGoldenRules.com, as we step into his website analysis laboratory in our exclusive Wednesday Webinar, "Website Lab." This webinar invites attendees to submit your websites for review by Jay Berkowitz and the TenGoldenRules.com team.

This presentation will explain the following topics:

• Understanding how to adhere to standard web conventions
• Advanced Tactics for Improving the User Experience
• Proven Strategies to Successfully Optimize your Website for the Search Engines
• Best Practices for Website Usability

To submit your websites, please message Jay Berkowitz through the InternetMarketingClub.org.

This free webinar will take place Wednesday, November 23, 2011 12:30pmEST – 1:30pmEST. To register and for more information please visit: Website Lab

Facebook Was Just Born!!!

Posted: 21 Feb 2011 11:44 AM PST

Unless you've been living under a rock, or optimizing a PPC campaign from your parent's basement, you have heard of the chaos that took place in Egypt. One of the reasons the citizens were able to come together and revolt was from the social networking website, Facebook. Now, one man, Gamal Ibrahim, has named his daughter…. FACEBOOK. He is said to have done this to express his joy in what took place. I think it's great that the county was able to stand up for what they believed in and utilized today's technology to form peaceful protests and make a difference. As for the baby naming, I think I'll let you decide for yourself, but in America, we do have babies named after fruit, landmarks, animals and other unique objects. So, I say, great! If this man and his family feel such a connection to the company then do as you feel, however, does he have to worry about trademarking rights?

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