Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Simple Tip for Monitoring Your Online Reputation

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 02:22 PM PDT

Are you looking for a simple and cost effective way to monitor your online reputation? There are a few quality online reputation management (paid) tools in the market, but if you are looking for a solution that you can implement right now, the answer is – Google Alerts.

You can set up Google Alerts to deliver via email or RSS feed. Nowadays, I receive more emails than I can keep up with, so the RSS feature is perfect.

How do you set up Google Alerts?

1. Go to http://www.google.com/alerts
2. Select the type of alert you want to be notified about
3. Select how often you want to be notified
4. Select the volume for the alerts
5. For the "Deliver To" field, select the email address you would like the alerts sent to OR "Feed" for the RSS option

You must be signed into your Google Account for the RSS integration to automatically occur. The RSS option will then automatically link the Google Alert to your Google Reader account.

Now how simple was that? :)

Basics of SEO

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:11 PM PDT

Search Engine Optimization is hands down the most important part of business online. When designing a website, SEO should be the first discussion topic and nothing else should be done until you are decisive in which direction you are headed. Content is king of SEO, so a good marketer will build a strong court.

Research to find the keyword phrases that best describe your product or service. This will give you your initial starting point. Taking those phrases and working them into each page that they most efficiently describe will break your layout down considerably. Working the phrase or phrases into the title and description of the page is important to tell the engines what the page is about. Make it as laser focused and relevant as humanly possible.

Having social plug-ins is the second major part of SEO in today's market. The search engines, especially Google, want online business's that their clients (searchers) can trust and get what they came looking for. Having full social sharing ability, including the ever forgotten e-mail plug-in on any and every site is crucial. This way if others are willing to take the time to praise you, Google will praise you with good search positions.

By focusing on these points when doing business and marketing online you will have the best chance of ranking well and beating out the competition. Never stop researching and developing your SEO practices. Even though most will say that SEO is technical, and the foundation is, overall adaptive management of site SEO is key to the big returns.

Think Twitter Isn’t Worth Monitoring?

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 12:02 PM PDT

Peter Shankman, a well-known social media speaker, NASA enthusiast and carnivore, was recently traveling home from a business trip from Tampa when he sent out a tweet that showed customer service at its finest.

Simply put:

After his flight landed on time (a rarity which anyone who has flown in or out of EWR would know):

First, WOW, @Mortens now delivers and takes orders off Twitter!! Just kidding, but what this does show, is that they are paying attention. Whether they know Mr. Shankman is a frequent dinner or that they monitor Twitter and wanted to pull one of the best customer service stunts in the history of social media (so far). Maybe they got lucky and picked the right person who has over 100,000 followers and is a media mogul. For whatever the reason, the company showed how all companies should be utilizing social media and not too bad of a publicity stunt!

No matter your business size, what are you doing to improve your customer service to make them go and tell their friends? With Google Panda updates social is playing a bigger role in how your customers can find you. There is no budget constraint, no specific entry point, just jump in and LISTEN to your customers!

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