Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Ten Golden Rules Internet Marketing Strategy Blog

Insights on Ways to Improve Facebook Page Engagement

Posted: 20 Jun 2012 05:08 AM PDT

Dan Zarrella, The Social Media Scientist at HubSpot, created a useful infographic on how to get more likes, comments, and shares on Facebook. I encourage you to check it out as you will discover insights that are meaningful for testing with your Facebook Page.

Below are a few highlights that I want to bubble up to the surface:

Day of the Week: Posts published on Saturdays and Sundays receive a higher like percentage than those posted during the business week.

Self-Relevance: In contrast to other social media platforms, posts with a high number of self-referential words (i.e. "me") tended to get more likes.

Hour of Day: Content posted later in the day (Eastern Time) gets more likes and shares. Likes peak around 8pm while shares peak earlier, around 6pm.

Although this infographic was developed based on data from more than 1.3 million posts published on the top 10,000 Facebook Pages – I still recommend you "test" for your specific business. Even though many of the stats may apply across several industries, that doesn't mean it will also apply to yours. Moreover, it's critical that you leverage Facebook Insights to really dig into your community's engagement behaviors.

What useful nugget of information did you draw from this infographic?

Image credit: owenwbrown

The 3 E’s of Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:07 AM PDT

Ten Golden Rules is jumping on the Pinterest craze with its first infographic, or "information graphic," as a web marketing tool. For this foray into the graphics space, TGR's CEO Jay Berkowitz created a visualization of his "3 E's of Social Media." Utilizing a mix of cartoon-like images, photos and text, the 3 E's are illustrated and explained for easy reference and recall. The final test will be to see how quickly and thoroughly this graphic spreads through the web via Repins, Likes and Retweets. Graphics are extremely popular these days with new sites like Pinterest and apps like Instagram gaining millions of users in short amounts of time. Infographics in particular are a visually appealing tool for disseminating statistics and concepts in an easy-to-digest manner. Have you used infographics to market your business? Use the comments section below to tell us about your experience.

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