Is gold’s rise unstoppable?

September 30, 2019
What Should You Do
When You're Running Bad?
When it comes to trading… running bad or having a few mistakes is all part of the game.

But, what should you do when it happens?

Do you add to the position? Is it in your risk tolerance? Or do you just stick with the trend until the position comes back to life?

Learn how to recover the right way
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No weird indicators. No poring over financial statements.
Heck, we're not even following news on these stocks.
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Will Gold Remain on Its Throne?
Is gold's rise unstoppable, or is there a shift on the horizon?

You might have heard that I recently joined forces with Rob Booker, one of the world's top currency trading experts.

I recently spoke with him about what's ahead for gold, and he shared a ton of important info with me. (Fair warning: some of it might surprise you.)

Check out these key takeaways...
*clicking Roger's Daily Video will automatically subscribe you to and his valuable emails
"I find your videos to be very informative and I hope you continue to provide them.  I think you are a wonderful teacher and I love your direct and simple explanations.  You don't seem to hold back and I appreciate your candor and thoroughness."

Rich D.
An Exponential Moving Average (EMA) is a type of moving average that places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. The EMA is also referred to as the exponentially weighted moving average. Exponentially weighted moving averages react more significantly to recent price changes than a Simple Moving Average (SMA).

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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