The guy that gave me the triple digit idea

October 12, 2019
Front Sprint The World
Here's a little something I've learned over the course of my career as a trader: the playing field is level, the only difference is what you do with it.

Some traders do better than others; that's a fact of life. But success or failure all comes down to how smart you are, how well you execute, and who you follow into battle.

We've developed a winning system for trading that delivers big gains without putting your money at risk.

Get what's flaming
Triple Digit Idea
I got an email recently from one of the best speculative traders I've ever met.

It contained a trade idea that could easily make me a triple-digit gain.

I'm going to share that trade with you, but more importantly, I'll show you how he finds these kinds of trades...

Learn how to spot this triple digit idea
*clicking Roger's Radar will automatically subscribe you to exclusive Roger's Radar sends and alerts
This Love Story Was Doomed From The Start
This is a love story. A love story between me, Rob Booker, and a financial instrument. But it's not a happy story. It's a tragedy. And it's one I saw coming and didn't get out of the way.

Because it happened when I violated my number-one personal trading rule by sticking with a trade when I shouldn't have. Love is dead in trading.
Why this love story failed me
*clicking BookerWealth video will automatically subscribe you to the amazing BookerWealth sending list
If You Don't Like Risk...
Or potentially massive debt… or expensive software… then stay away from forex. But what if you could benefit from it without trading it?  

What if there was a way to benefit from something that has ZERO correlation to the stock market?

This has all the forex upside with none of the risks
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A Simple Moving Average (SMA) is a moving average calculated by adding recent closing prices and then dividing that by the number of time periods in the calculation average. Short-term averages respond quickly to changes in the price of the underlying, while long-term averages are slow to react.
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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