Weekend Wrap-up: Ready to “Front the World”?

October 5, 2019
How to "Front the World"
It's the new plan to snatch mammoth gains in the currency market — without Forex trades.

How? Spotting trades that "go active" at four specific times each and every month.

Here's how we do it...
My Two Rules For Trading This Market
It hasn't been the greatest start to October..

Markets fell on Tuesday and Wednesday a total of nearly 3%, manufacturing is slowing down, earnings are expected to contract 4.7% in the third quarter, and the financial media lost its collective cool.

It's safe to say investors are on edge, and it's understandable.

But, that doesn't there isn't money to be made in the sideways market...

Here's how I (and you should) plan to profit right now
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How to Quickly Spot a Trending Market
So many novice traders are convinced that in order for a trading strategy to work and be profitable, it has to be complicated.

It has to be so heady and confusing that they just can't wrap their brain around it.

But that's just not true.

There is zero correlation between complex strategies and profitability.

Case in point, the best way that I know to analyze market trends (and more) is one of the easiest techniques in the trader's toolbox.

Know what it is?

Find out here
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"I always like your strategies and approach, hands down. I know that if anybody can navigate the charts it's like a pro, it's you. All the best,"

John D.

"Greeks" is a term used in the options market to describe the different dimensions of risk involved in taking a position. These variables are called Greeks because they are typically associated with Greek symbols. Each risk variable is a result of an imperfect assumption or relationship of the option with another underlying variable. Traders use different Greek values, such as delta, theta, and others, to assess options risk and manage option portfolios.
When Two Legendary Traders Join Forces...
They set goals like turning every $500 into $4,415 while keeping your cash safe.

How? Getting ahead of market moves … to get portfolios ahead.
What happened last time, and when will it happen again?

Get the answers now…
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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