I Entered This Trade Yesterday. 100% Upside?

Here's ticker symbol and option...

Tech companies famously allow their employees to work on pet projects, even if there's no obvious or immediate benefit for the company. That's how Gmail and Adsense (Google's advertising platform) were developed, for example.

It's known as blue-sky research — research without a goal — and it's led to some of the biggest discoveries and innovations of the past century and beyond.

You see, I too am a big believer in curiosity-driven research. My personal pet-project for years has been to identify what market and company-specific factors are responsible for massive stock moves.

I focused my research on lightning-quick moves that seemingly came out of nowhere — not jumps caused by special circumstances like massive earnings beats, technological advancements or buyout rumors. Those events are unpredictable for the most part and therefore don't interest me.

In total, I investigated 9,572 possible market factors that could explain the phenomena. And I was able to boil it down to 10 that actually move stocks.

I used this information and turned it into my most profitable system to date (you can more details about it here). And ever since, I've been issuing weekly trade alerts. This year alone, we've closed winners of 136.7%, 164.5%, 119.6% and 128.2%.

And this Monday, it uncovered the four stocks most likely to move higher. That's the way it works… it finds the top four stocks and allocates 25% into each.

One of the stocks it alerted this Monday was Broadcom (AVGO) — a semiconductor company.

How you trade the stocks my system alerts is completely up to you. But I find that using options is the best way to maximize returns with this system. I include my top option for each lightning stock in the alerts I send.

For AVGO, I went with the Jan $320 Calls. Those are options that expire on the third Friday of January (I'll close the position before then) with a $320 strike price. And because it's a call — not a put — I purchased, it means I'm expecting AVGO to go up.

I'm still in the trade now… here's how it's working so far:


I entered the trade yesterday, and today shares gapped higher. The move was enough for AVGO to hit new, all-time highs.

And the calls... those are up over 50% in one day! See why I prefer to trade options?

It's a little too late to get into this trade, but this is only one of four trades I released. You can still get the other three… and get a new batch of trades every Monday.

All you have to do is sign up here so I know you want to receive them.

Disclaimer: Always Do Your Own Research while a potential for rewards exists, by investing, you are putting yourself at risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in any type of security and consult with a licensed investment professional before making an investment. Investing is inherently risky. Past performance of any trading system or methodology is not indicative of future results. Please it is very important to have a full understanding Click Here to read our Full Disclaimer

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