this was embarrassing ...

When I first began trading almost 30 years ago... I knew nothing about the markets.

When I first began trading almost 30 years ago... I knew nothing about the markets.

I picked up a few tips from what I saw my friend's dad doing and thought "heck, I can do this too"

And boy, oh boy did I have beginner's luck.. and an incredible start - earning a 725% return on my total account in just a few months.

But as you may already know ... I ended up losing it all.

Since then, I've been an a mission to find the "Holy Grail" of stock trading...

There's nearly ten thousand market factors that can influence a stock price, and that doesn't even include the indirect ones!!

Along my journey, I went through phases of believing that chasing after the perfect stock timing system was like chasing after the wind...

However, about 10 years into my research, I began to gain serious ground.

And that's when it all clicked.

I changed my approach entirely.

Instead of seeing which factors I should "accept" into my model, I went on a rampage of simply eliminating factors that didn't have enough say on a stock.

And then assembled this...

It's the ten building blocks of a moonshot stock.

By following this model, it's outperformed the S&P every single year...

And in 2008, it didn't lose money, it actually returned over 60%.

Finally, after decades of research...

Thousands of hours of testing...

And hundreds of wins for "proof", I knew it was ready.

Today - I'm giving you all of my research... the entire formula...

I'm even giving you the #1 stock to own for the next 365 days.

Don't worry - I'm not going to charge you anything.

All that I ask is that you register before we begin (so you don't miss anything)

Here's to your success,


There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.

For our full disclaimer, visit here.


Wealthpress Holding LLC
12276 San Jose Blvd Suite 518
Jacksonville, Florida 32223
United States

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