Urgent: These 3 stocks look ready to explode...

December  18, 2019
Major Stocks Before 2020
There's a few things Roger Scott needs to tell you about the market and an obscure timer that's signaling that three stocks are "on the clock."

Historically, when a stock goes on the clock, they explode higher in an extremely predictable pattern.

We've seen windfall potential of up to $54,650 in just two weeks from this exact setup.

He'll give you the names of the three stocks that look set to go parabolic tomorrow, but you have to click here now if you want to attend.

It's important you get this information... it's not like anything you've ever seen before.

Get access here
 Beat Wall St. By Using Their Strategy Against Them…
You and I are a dying breed…

It's estimated that only 10% of trades are made by actual humans choosing to buy or sell a stock.

Another 40% of trades are passive… meaning investments in ETFs that track an entire index or sector.

The rest of the volume? Well, that's where the computers and algorithms come in…

As an ex-hedge fund trader, I know exactly how these algos trade.

Which is a huge advantage.

In fact, I'm able to even countdown when a stocks is likely to explode higher.

Fine out how here...
*clicking Roger's Radar will automatically subscribe you to Roger's weekly updates on the markets
Two Trendline Analysis Tricks You Must Learn
Trendlines are one of the most fundamental and powerful concepts day traders can use to determine the strength and general direction of an asset.

Yet, many traders are intimidated by them…

And it's because they're not using two simple, yet effective tools in combination with trendlines: candlestick charts + volume.

Today I'm going to show you how to use both of them to correctly enter and exit your positions.

Learn this fundamental tactic here
*clicking Future of Wealth will automatically subscribe you to exclusive thefutureofwealth.com emails
"Best course ever!!  Thank you so much!  Everything always sinks in better for me when I understand why!"


Correlation is a statistical concept that in simple terms describes the relationship between two or more variables. The relationship is positive when the two variables move in the same direction (both up or both down), and is negative when they move in opposite direction (one up, other down). An example of "perfect positive" correlation would be: Stock A moves up by 7%, Stock B also moves up by 7% (direction and magnitude same). An example of "positive" correlation would be: Stock A moves up by 7%, Stock B moves up by 5.5% (direction same, magnitude varies).
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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