What a single phone call can do..

i was messing around with how stocks react to moving averages, EMA crossovers, and just other funky relations to the average lines.. and I n

So I've been testing a few new trading strategies... because... well it's fun!

(and because every time i figure out something else that works, it ends up making my robinhood account like double)

So i was messing around with how stocks react to moving averages, EMA crossovers, and just other funky relations to the average lines.. and I noticed something..

I noticed every time a stock touched a specific line, it made an identical move about 9 times out of 10.

And so i picked up the phone and chatted with one of my trading buddies, Roger Scott... told him all about the strategy, and he told me about a very similar way he's been trading the SAME strategy...


Just so you know, I'm always going to be dabbling with new stock techniques ...

And everytime I find something new that works - I'll be the first to tell you.

(just a heads up -- i'm working on a major breakthrough that I can't wait to share with you)

I'd love it you listened to Roger share all the goodies behind this new strategy...

Click here now to see his interview

I've got a special gift coming soon!! Talk later!


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