Wall Street is against you: Here’s the solution

January 28, 2020
Start Betting Against 'Dumb Money'
Everyone says you should follow the "smart money"...

But sometimes, it's way more lucrative to simply bet against the "dumb money" -- investors following outdated strategies that no longer work.  

I'm teaming up with Josh Martinez to show you how to do just that LIVE today at 12 p.m. ET.

It's already led to gains of 395% on SPDR, 420% on NVDA and even 444% on FIZZ.

And it's completely free to attend, as long as you reserve your seat now.

Register here now
Forget Apple and Tesla:
Here's what I trade...
When I first started trading, I blew up my account. I was crushed.

I was trading popular stocks like Apple and Amazon -- stocks everyone else was trading (including algos) and had zero edge.

That was my mistake.

It wasn't until I started trading these special stocks – ones that have the potential to breakout or rocket higher thanks to a short squeeze, that I started making money.

In today's video I'm going to show you how you can give yourself an edge, and it involves breaking away from the pack.

This may shock you
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Flip Loosing Strategies
into Massive Gains
Folks, I have something extremely important to tell you…

Right now Wall Street is actively betting against many of you, referring to retail traders as "dumb money"...

And unless you understand how and why, there is nothing you can do about it!

Which is why I'm teaming up with another powerhouse trader to bring you one of the most thrilling (and lucrative) trading systems I've ever created.

But before we go LIVE, I wanted to give you a little sneak peek of where this system originated…

You'll want to hear this story
*clicking this video will automatically subscribe you to rogerscott.com sends
"Hey Roger, This is an excellent primer for anyone wanting to get into Options Trading. Appreciate your generosity to let me have the ebook!  Cheers!"

Uday M.

A Debit Spread is an option strategy involving the simultaneous buying and selling of options with different prices requiring a net outflow of cash. Here, the sum of all options sold is lower than the sum of all options purchased, therefore the trader must put up money to begin the trade. You'll have to pay your brokerage firm the difference between the two premiums when you open the transaction. In most cases, the goal of a debit spread is to have the stock move beyond the strike price of the short option so
that you realize the maximum value of the spread.
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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