Week-end Wrap-up: [Warning] Major losses ahead…unless you do this

January 18, 2020
Trade Gold for Green
Imagine you had an extra $8,830 in your account every single month… even in a market correction.  

What would you do with the extra cash?

Roger Scott wants to hand you the tools to accomplish just that.

He created a new strategy that can deliver consistent gains no matter what the market is doing.

The system doesn't trade stocks or bonds... instead it relies on gold and currencies.

Learn the details here
How To Make Options-Like Returns…
With Stocks
There's no question that stocks are overbought. Even the most ardent bull will admit that.

But something traders don't talk about enough is valuation. And from the point of view, blue-chip stocks are historically expensive.

As you can imagine, overbought and overvalued stocks don't make for great upside trades.

But there are pockets of value left in the market. In fact, the index that tracks the market's most explosive stocks is cheap and is just now breaking out.

Check out this perfect setup.
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Go Get It
I've had plenty of people tell me that I couldn't be a trader...

And if I had a  dollar for the number of times the sentence "that's impossible" got thrown my way, I'd be a much richer man.

People said it was impossible for my mother, who had just lost her job and had no capital, to create a million-dollar business.

It takes courage, effort and even looking stupid, but if you want to reach your goals you just have to do it.

Reach your goals today
*clicking BookerWealth will automatically subscribe you to bookerwealth.com emails
"Hi Roger, I truly appreciate the videos.  They are a calming presence in an otherwise hectic time."

Kevin H.

Among the most widely used technical indicators, a Moving Average is simply a tool traders use to smooth out the price movement in a given market. Price movements can be volatile in the short term, so many traders will use a moving average in order to identify or gauge the direction of a trend.
Fast Profits … in THIS Market?
Many other traders are panicking in this choppy market… while we're busy profiting.

Roger Scott and Rob Booker have teamed up to deliver a system that's designed and proven to make money in all markets.

Stocks are overbought and look ready to collapse, so now is the time to trade these unique assets. Investors are already flocking to them… and they are starting to move higher.

Each trade has the potential to turn every $500 into $4,415 in just two weeks.
Jump on these profitable moves
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
For our full disclaimer, visit here.

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