Can you help me out here?


A while back I came to the conclusion that something was missing…

We needed a simple and easy to follow system that would allow everyday folks, from stay-at-home dads to soccer moms, from retirees to college students... make real, meaningful money in the stock market.

That's why I created the Automatic Income system and it generated huge amounts of hoopla…

But a simple formula that is specifically designed to let even the most "wet behind the ears" beginner earn an easy $1,000 every Monday morning should be popular right?

In fact, it was so popular that my inbox is still flooded with questions about when I'm going to open it up for new students again.

Good news… that may happen very soon!

You see, I have convinced the team that we need to take on more students.

However, this does require a lot of work from everyone, so they would like to be reassured that there is interest in this.

This is where you can help…

If I can collect 2,500 signatures within the next 48 hours they have agreed to open up the doors again. All you have to do to help is go right here and enter your email to sign.

As a thank you for helping me out, I'm going to do something special for you.

I'll take one complete beginner with zero market knowledge and no idea about stocks… and I'll show them how to make $1,000 instantly in the stock market.

You get to watch the whole thing as it unfolds and see exactly how it's done… and if it works that well for a beginner - how well will it work for you?!?

Sign the petition today so you can get VIP access to this amazing zero to $1,000 live session

Click here to help me out and reserve your seat for live training


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