Week-end Wrap-up: Every trader should be aware of this right now…

February 1, 2020
Don't Let A Massive Yield Fool You
Don't let a stock's dividend yield fool you…

Just because a stock yields 8%-plus, that doesn't make it a good income investment.

Many investors find a company with a high yield, and dive headfirst into the stock. Snapping up shares without a second thought.

But a juicy dividend yield doesn't tell the whole story… you need the right steps for finding a perfect dividend stock.

Learn how in Roger's Income Manifesto
This Hidden Sector Could
Save Your Portfolio
Are stocks safe?

Well, I'm a little cautious given how overvalued most stocks are right now.

But there is a special group of stocks that I'm loving. They are slowly-but-surely trending higher and considered a "safe haven" in times of uncertainty.

They aren't flashy or sexy, so they don't get much tv time. But today I'll show you why they might deserve a spot in your portfolio.

I'll even review a few names I'm watching.

Check out these charts
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What's My Favorite Approach to
Gauging Sentiment?
Every February 1st, the United States celebrates a National Observance Day that few people know about – Freedom Day.

Freedom Day commemorates February 1st, 1865 – the day that Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment that outlawed slavery.

That freedom is something many have fought and died for. And it's something we will never give away.

My first memories after joining the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) are a blur of faces, file folders, and fortified walls.

Learn more here

"These videos are awesome!  They are the best I've ever seen."

Rick M.

Swing Traders tend to spend longer monitoring stocks and considering investment opportunities than day traders. Swing traders utilize both fundamental and technical analysis in their considerations. Since swing trading does not require hours of daily monitoring, it's a good strategy for traders who wish to explore stock market trading without treating it as a full-time job.
 Own THIS When Stocks Collapse…  
Roger Scott calls it his  hidden "Plunge Protection" asset. When stocks drop, it rockets up.

If you owned this in '08, you'd have been up HUGE while others got crushed!

Be prepared. Because a plunge is coming … it's only a matter of when.

Why would you risk not being ready for it?
There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
For our full disclaimer, visit here.

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