Why would you risk not getting paid?

February 6, 2020
Mondays Are For Getting Paid
Have you signed Rob Booker’s petition yet? If not, you’re missing out on learning how to potentially get paid every Monday morning with just 3 clicks!

Anyone who signs up before we hit our target will get the details of Rob Booker’s Automatic Income strategy.

He’s already proven that his strategy can generate thousands of dollars each week… so what are you waiting for?

Sign the petition before it’s too late.
The $1 Million Tesla Trader
The move Tesla (TSLA) just made is one for the record books...

In June of 2019, Tesla was trading at $178 a share -- fast forward to earlier this week and TSLA  was hovering at $900 a share

That’s a bitcoin-like parabolic move, but in a massive company worth over $100 billion.
So what happened between then and now to cause such a significant jump? That’s exactly what I’m breaking down today: 3 reasons TSLA went crazy.

Get the reasons here
*clicking BookerWealth will automatically subscribe you to bookerwealth.com emails
Will The Rally Continue From Here?
I’m happy to report that markets are back in “bull mode” and near all-time highs once again.

So far in the fourth quarter, 71% of S&P 500 stocks have beaten earnings, while 67% have outperformed revenue estimates. And tech has been especially strong this quarter...

However, momentum levels in the Nasdaq 100 might be painting a different picture for the near future.

Here’s what is really moving this market
*clicking this video will automatically subscribe you to rogerscott.com sends
“Hi Roger, I liked the video on earnings release and expected price move.”

Ron K.

Momentum Trading involves a strategy to capitalize on the continuance of an existing trend. It involves going long stocks, futures, or ETFs showing upward-trending prices and short the respective assets with downward-trending prices.

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
For our full disclaimer, visit here.

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