The Greatest Wall St. Trade Ever...

You just have to wait and see...

March 21, 2020


Explosive Trades on the Horizon

Today I want to focus on a couple of things I look at during times like these… My 20 years trading have taught me a few valuable lessons I think could help you right about now.

You see, I've gone through times like this before: I traded through the tech bubble and the financial crisis.

Is this the exact same? No, there's unique aspects to this crisis that I want to review.

But first, I want to remind everyone that this is a health crisis causing financial disruption. In order for it to become a financial crisis, these things need to occur.

I'm going to be honest with you though, the economy is going to crash -- hard. Things will feel rough for a short period of time, but then something magical will happen…

Wall Street will see its greatest trades ever...


How To Find The Best Industries In 2 Clicks

What a time to be alive: Market's look to be on a never-ending roller coaster ride with industries and sectors all out of whack.

At this point, everything is beginning to feel like a guessing game, so Roger Scott wants to give everyone a bit of clarity.

He says figuring out where money is coming, going, and shifting to in this market is as easy as two clicks.



Leave Your Financial Worries at the Door

In the midst of all the negative headlines, a bear market and record volatility, I understand why most investors and traders are fearful.

But not everything has to be negative… You see, there's one strategy that the world's most powerful and influential families are using right now to cash in on these market levels.

And to even the playing field, the ultimate insider showed me how you can copy the stock market moves of the global elite.

I'm going live today at 12 p.m. ET to let you in on the secret.


I LOVE YOU ALL! Until next time.


email me at if you have any cool trade ideas or some wild stories to tell me! I'm always down for a good story.


There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.

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