Weekend Wrap-Up: Fed Fires Bazookas

March 21, 2020
Leave Your Financial Worries at the Door
In the midst of all the negative headlines, a bear market and record volatility, we understand why most investors and traders are fearful.

But not everything has to be negative… You see, there's one strategy that the world's most powerful and influential families are using right now to cash in on these market levels.

And to even the playing field, the ultimate insider showed Rob Booker how you can copy the stock market moves of the global elite.

Rob Booker is going live today at 12 p.m. ET to let you in on the secret.

Save your seat.
Two Crucial Steps I'm Taking
 in Today's Market
We're dealing with historic market volatile market…

Monday the Dow Jones lost nearly 3,000 points -- the worst day since the "Black Monday" crash of 1989. Tuesday the Dow rebounded by 1,000-plus points. And just yesterday markets were up.

I'm sure you're wondering what Monday will bring… or next week.

Volatility has stayed high, and it's uncertain how much longer these conditions will last. As traders (and really human beings), it's important to control how we react to these intimidating market moves.

That's why I want to show you two crucial steps I'm taking before I begin to buy or trade anything in the market.

Make sure you see this video.
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Financial Crisis 2020 Day #10: Fed Firing Bazookas in All Directions
The US Federal Reserve Bank, ostensibly not affiliated with the US Government, has now become the US Government's primary active agent in the fight against the financial fallout from the Coronavirus Pandemic that has now engulfed the whole world.

Non-investment-grade Corporate Bond rates have broken through the critical 3.8% level that catalyzed the implosion of Lehman Brothers.

The Fed stepped in this week and bought $250 billion worth of bonds in 5 days.

They have now blown through half the budget they announced for such purchases this week -- and still the markets crumble…

Get the details.

"Hi Roger, I truly appreciate the videos.  They are a calming presence in an otherwise hectic time."

Kevin H.

 Technical Analysis is a trading discipline employed to evaluate investments and identify trading opportunities by analyzing statistical trends gathered from trading activity, such as price movement and volume. Unlike fundamental analysts, who attempt to evaluate a security's intrinsic value, technical analysts focus on patterns of price movements, trading signals and various other analytical charting tools to evaluate a security's strength or weakness.
We Got In Touch With
America's #1 Insider
If you could get access to America's most infamous insider right now, what would you ask him?

If you're like us, you'd ask him how exactly America's elite are able to build massive wealth, even during market crashes.

Rob Booker found America's most connected insider, Roger Stone, and asked him just that...

He knows the secrets of the wealthy that 99% of individual traders simply don't have access to.

And now Rob's going live today at 12 p.m. ET to share this insider knowledge...

Learn the details.
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For our full disclaimer, visit here.

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