Ride this new surge with these SEVEN little-known companies

COVID-19 is starting to rear its ugly head again...

The U.K., Spain, Greece... Are all seeing a new surge in cases.

Even the NFL postponed a game after an eighth member of one organization tested positive.

Now... I don't tell you this to scare you.

We've learned a lot since this virus hit our shores back in January.

But as traders, we take advantage of what's happening around us...

And it's clear that with these new cases...

People aren't going back to the office anytime soon.

That means there is still money to be made on this trend!

And James West has the inside scoop.

He's spent the better part of 30 years focused on finding little-known companies — the kind that you won't see on CNBC or Fox Business...

Those are exactly the types of companies you'll wish you were in when their stocks' performance forces the networks to talk about them.

Of course, by then it'll be too late.

So while this new surge is still developing...

Get the SEVEN companies James West has identified as the new bosses of the "Work from Home Economy"!

Roger Scott

A MarketWealth Publication

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