Coming to Grips With the Ultimate Killer App

APR 19 2023
Coming to Grips With the Ultimate Killer App
Strutting Her Stuff

Lady Disruption is here. And she takes many forms.

You could say COVID was her big reveal; jumbling global supply chains and driving a 12-foot thick steel plate between an already divided political scene.

That dramatic entrance provided the spark she needed to light the first round of inflation. You know, the “transitory” price increases that we weren’t supposed to worry about.

She then donned her mantle of war when Russia invaded Ukraine. Which, conveniently, gave Biden something else to blame for inflation other than a reckless Federal Reserve.

But she won’t be ignored. So inflation continues to boil.

You see her in the growing rift between the U.S. and China, rapidly spreading de-dollarization, and the accelerating realignment of political allegiances towards the east.

And she most recently made herself known with the seemingly short-lived banking crisis. Though we all know she’s not done showing off in that regard.

Oh… and don’t be surprised when trots around during the upcoming debt ceiling panic.

A more alluring aspect of Lady Disruption, though still frightening, is A.I.

You can’t constrain A.I. development, no matter how many open letters tech luminaries write.

You won’t be able to out work it because of A.I.’s massive comparative advantage. But whether we collectively end up with more cheddar is an open question.

A.I. is the ultimate and final killer app.

Rather than running apps to accomplish different tasks, AI will simply do it for you.

This could lead to AIs negotiating with each other for data, resources, optimal processes, etc. And as you go down that line of thought you start to see the death of marketing as AIs will simply market to each other.

Does it also mean the end of markets? I mean, at least markets that any of us can observe and interact with.

How much value each of us create in a post-AI world will boil down to how well we work with it.

I want to examine that transition closely. So, in an article or two over the next week, I’ll be touching on this topic.

Because it’s that transition from pre-AI to post where Lady Disruption will truly strut her stuff.

Take What the Markets Give You.
Getting Paid to Wait

After the market crash during the pandemic, volatility has been slowly drifting back to “normal.”

My chart of the week is an inverse of VIX which is commonly referred to as the volatility index and my ticker is ProShares Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY).


Since SVXY is an inverse, that means it goes up when VIX goes down.  

But SVXY also goes up when VIX just stays flat.

My chart of the week shows that every time SVXY gets a pullback greater than about 15%, we see a bottom form… and then a strong rally right back to the prior high from where it just corrected.

This is a repeatable pattern or an “echo” in the market.

I love finding repeatable patterns that you can trade over and over.

And for those of you that only want to look at one ticker like this every day for a trade you should check out my Opening Bell Alerts strategy.

Have a great week!

Let Me Be Honest…

Folks, this week’s “Wednesday on the Web” is a special one… 
I’m debuting my brand new Market Timing Indicator

But can I be honest with you for a second?

When I was testing this tool out, I knew our numbers could make this the best indicator out there…

But I’ve actually been blown away by how spectacular this thing is performing in real markets.

The Market Timing Indicator exceeded any and all expectations! 

I wish I could have gotten this into your hands sooner, but I’m wasting no more time! 

Sign up for this week’s Wednesday on the Web HERE and be one of the first to hear about this groundbreaking indicator! 

See you on the flip side, 


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