Why I Want To Teach Traders Like YOU To Succeed

Published: November 01, 2020

Less Than 1% of People Have Heard of This…

Ever heard of a "Shadow Blitz"? 

If you haven't — you're not alone. In fact, less than 1% of people have heard about these special trading events that can make you thousands of dollars overnight... 

Without having insider connections… without being an accredited investor… and without needing any trading experience. 

To learn more about these trading loopholes — and cash in on their massive paydays — just click here.

Or here

Josh Martinez

Joshua Martinez is a 10+ year trading veteran inside the Financial Market. He's known as the leading innovative trader in the industry due to his consistent returns using his cutting-edge strategies.

Those Who Can't Trade Teach — This Is Why I Teach People How To Trade

By now you've probably heard the saying "those who can't do, teach" — but if I'm such a great trader, why do I bother teaching other people?

The truth is that I love it. I wake up every morning wondering how I can help other people realize their untapped potential. 

I've been trying to educate people since I was the captain on my high school wrestling team... and the squad leader when I was a firefighter...

There's just something in my blood that makes me passionate about helping others succeed. 

You can have anything you want in life as long as you help enough people get what they want along the way…

The three core reasons why I teach

When To Buy and Sell Gold During the Election

October 29, 2020

As we get closer and closer to Nov. 3, we are starting to see more and more volatility in the Nasdaq 100. This market volatility is breaking through channels, trendlines and other key indicators I like to track. Long story short: It's going to be hard to trade the Nasdaq with any kind of... 

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Make More Money Trading by Being
Less Greedy

October 27, 2020

I have a strong belief that a greedy trader will always feel poor — especially after reaching their trading goals. Sometimes you have those lucky mornings where you make your money for the week all within 20 minutes… but of course you don't... 

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