3 Winning Stocks This December

December 16, 2020
Forget Buy-and-Hold Strategies
Trading expert Lance Ippolito just revealed how he spots trades with the chance to return upward of 5 times your initial investment every single month.

Not only does his strategy protect your portfolio from long-term volatility, but it gives you the chance to bank massive winners in just 24 hours.

I've never seen anything quite like this before.

With Lance's Weekly Blitz Alert, you can throw your old buy-and-hold strategy out the window. And forget spending hours reading through pages of earnings reports and squinting at stock charts.

To start collecting these 24-hour home runs, all you need to do is follow Lance's trading instructions the minute he issues a Blitz Alert. It's that simple.
Click Here to See the Strategy in Action
3 Winning Stocks This December
December has been pretty kind to me so far: I just had three positions that led to three profits, all within three days. This definitely gives me an idea of what the winning stocks in December are going to look like.

I'm starting to think three is my lucky number.

If you're not a member in my Free Riders or Blitz programs, then you're really missing out. Every week, these programs keep proving to my traders that we're in the perfect market right now to make massive gains.

On Dec. 4, I noticed that Zynga Inc. (Nasdaq: ZNGA) had a huge amount of call buying in the Jan. 2021 expirations… and you know what happened?
Find Out and Get All 3 Stocks
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Four "I's" Moving Markets: IPO's, Initial Claims, Inflation and Interest Rates
A little over 10 years ago, I needed glasses for the first time after 32 years of perfect vision. On my first day in glasses, my wife took one look at me, laughed and called me "four eyes."

Although it might have been unexpected for my wife to see a bespectacled me for the first time, she came around. And for me personally, the extra set of eyes really did help provide a lot of visual clarity while navigating the New York highways.

Similarly, there are four "I's" that have been moving markets around of late, and each of them clues us in to how the push and pull of these influences might shift the overall balance of power.
Find Out What They Are
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"You guys are by far my favorite. Best Regards,"

Andrew B.

A Double Bottom pattern is a technical analysis charting pattern that describes a change in trend and a momentum reversal from prior leading price action. It describes the drop of a stock or index, a rebound, another drop to the same or similar level as the original drop, and finally another rebound. The double bottom looks like the letter "W". The twice-touched low is considered a support level.
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Any performance results discussed herein represent past performance, are not a guarantee of future performance, and are not indicative of any specific investment.

Due to the timing of information presented, any investment performance reflected within this document may be adjusted after the publication and distribution of this material. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific investment, investment strategy, or product made reference to directly or indirectly in this communication will be profitable, be equal to any corresponding indicated historical performance levels or be suitable for your portfolio. Any investment results set forth in this document are not net of expenses and execution costs, nor do they account for other relevant trading or investment fees. Please visit wealthpress.com/terms for our full Terms and Conditions.

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